FRIENDSHIPS are an integral part of our lives. One can benefit from having a good friend. Be it rescuing you in a time of need, being a shoulder to lean on during tough times or as a confidant.
One such friendship is that of Ella Jane Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe. Fitzgerald was a black American singer-songwriter and composer. She often faced racial discrimination. In 1955, Fitzgerald's career took off after an impressive show in a prominent club in Hollywood. This show was made possible by the actions of Munroe.
It is believed that Fitzgerald was initially denied entrance to this club because of her ethnicity. Munroe used her fame to rally behind her friend and promised the manager that every night that Fitzgerald performed; she would be at a table in the front. Because of this commitment and Munroe’s social status, the club was always bustling on the nights Fitzgerald played.
On the other hand, friendships can play a colossal role in our demise. An example of one such friendship is that of Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot. Judas Iscariot is notorious for betraying Jesus by disclosing Jesus' location for 30 pieces of silver. He led people to Jesus who facilitated his arrest, trial and crucifixion. Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus’s 12 disciples, his closest friends.
As is shown in the two examples above, we should be intentional with the people we call friends. Quality friendships offer emotional support, make life more meaningful and complement our overall health.
If you are going to invest in a friendship, the following are some qualities to consider:
They are honourable
Integrity is a quality of being honest and consistently adhering to strong moral and ethical principles. This is a good quality for a friend to yield, because often times an honourable person is trustworthy.
They are trustworthy
No good thing can be born out of deceit. A true friend is someone with good intentions. They should be able to be honest even in situations where the truth is less desirable. If they have your best interests at heart, you can be vulnerable, and express your worries and fears with ease.
They should be dependable
This does not mean they should always be at your beck and call, but rather that they are not flaky. A competent friend keeps their word and will stick with you regardless of the situation.
They are empathetic
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. If you are distraught, an empathetic friend does their best to put themselves in your shoes so they can offer you more thoughtful and meaningful support.
They make you laugh
“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” Victor Hugo. Laughter can reduce stress hormones and improve your heart’s health. It also helps with anxiety and tension. Be surrounded by people who make you laugh, not those who laugh at you.
No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for their mistakes, you will be alone in life. So judge less and love more. Although Jesus was aware of Judas’ actions, he forgave him. Forgiveness brings peace to the soul. We, ourselves, make mistakes as well. Upon forgiving, we should decide whether we should keep these people in our lives without being naive.
Munroe was not blinded by the undeserved and inhumane discrimination towards other races at the time. We too should be graceful and tolerant of the different attributes that people may have. As we navigate our friendships, let us aim to be graceful and accepting, allowing us to build a diverse network of support that enhances our overall well-being while recognising that love and understanding can thrive even amid imperfections.
In conclusion, good friendships are essential to our lives, they provide us support, joy and a sense of belonging. By being intentional in our choices and seeking out those who embody qualities such as honour, trustworthiness, dependability, empathy and the ability to make us laugh, we can cultivate relationships that enrich our lives. It’s also crucial to acknowledge that no one is without flaws; embracing imperfections in ourselves and others fosters deeper connections.