FORMER Cabinet minister Chenhamo Chakezha Chimutengwende has died.
He was 81. A Zanu PF party top official confirmed the death.
Mashonaland Central Provincial Affairs and Devolution minister Christopher Magomo also confirmed the death, with the news filtering through in various Zanu PF WhatsApp groups.
Tweeted exiled former Cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere: “Chenhamo Chedu ‘Chazorora’ Chimutengwende ... He came, he saw and he conquered. You played your part in the struggle and development of your country. RIP Mhofu. Chiweshe was Chen. RIP Muzukuru.”
Chimutengwende served in various capacities as Information minister as well as Environment and Tourism minister.
A longstanding supporter of the late former strongman Robert Mugabe, Chimutengwende’s last post in Cabinet was as Minister of State for Public and Interactive Affairs.
He also served as a Mashonaland Central senator and a legislator for both Mazowe East and Mazowe Central, as well as Mashonaland Central Zanu PF provincial chairman and politburo member.
He lost his parliamentary seat in the 2008 general election, which ended his 23-year career as a Member of Parliament.
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He is also the author of the book Reading Zimbabwe: The Press and the Politics of Liberation.