UNITED Kingdom-based research, global technology, information and data provider Tellimer says it has little interest in Zimbabwe after it was asked to give an analysis on the key takeaways from the recent International Monetary Fund meeting.
In a virtual meeting attended by a number of African nations including Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, Mozambique and Ethiopia on Wednesday, Tellimer senior economist Patrick Curran was asked by one of the participants to give an opinion on Zimbabwe’s outlook ahead of next year’s general elections.
Curran responded: “There isn’t a view on Zimbabwe at the moment. It’s just something we haven’t covered. Maybe we will add coverage in the future.”
Zimbabwe has of late been making headlines for the wrong reasons, including hyperinflation, policy inconsistency, political violence, human rights abuses and disputed elections, which have scared away potential capital.
Tellimer warned that South Africa’s energy situation, which is in a rut, could worsen, adding that this might spell doom for Zimbabwe which heavily depends on SA imports.
Zimbabwe has been importing a significant amount of electricity from South Africa due to enduring power deficits. The cost of doing business has also shot up, throwing Zimbabwe into a deeper power crisis with some areas going for up to 18 hours without electricity.