
AMH is an independent media house free from political ties or outside influence. We have four newspapers: The Zimbabwe Independent, a business weekly published every Friday, The Standard, a weekly published every Sunday, and Southern and NewsDay, our daily newspapers. Each has an online edition.

Water baptism; further study

A proper path as to how we have arrived at a conclusion is beneficial because we learn the lesson and the mind of God. Jesus used parables to explain.
By Erasmus Makarimayi 7h ago
Unlocking your ‘WHY’
Unlocking your ‘WHY’
However, nothing meaningful comes instantly; purpose or your “Why” is a process.
By Jonah Nyoni 7h ago
Lands ministry must act on graft in land allocation (Part 2)
If the President does not know what is happening on the ground, then it is high time the politburo secretary, through his directors, informed the highest office in the country.
By Johannes Marisa Jul. 26, 2024
Zim: A nation under siege as ED cracks down on dissent ahead of Sadc summit
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has responded to growing protests against his leadership with heavy-handed tactics, arresting scores of opposition members and activists.
By Sibahle Zuma Jul. 26, 2024
A regional approach to drug abuse challenge: Zim’s Sadc leadership and the gorilla in the room
Complicating this mental health crisis is the growing epidemic of substance use disorder.
By Raymond Tendai Rusinga Jul. 25, 2024
Zimbabweans must act on Auditor-General’s shocking findings
It is tragic that nobody is ever held accountable for this rampant plundering of public resources and dereliction of duty.
By Trevor Ncube Jul. 25, 2024
Wanted: Banks that cater for MSMEs
It is also about incubating fresh pathways by bringing a totally new face to entrepreneurship with strong roots in indigenous food systems.
By Charles Dhewa Jul. 24, 2024
Implications of Zim’s deepening humanitarian crisis
Concurrently, the Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare ministry must play a pivotal role in coordinating food distribution efforts and ensuring that aid reaches those most in need.
By Lawrence Makamanzi Jul. 24, 2024
Tips and Strategies for Becoming Successful Forex Introducing Broker
Earning in the forex market isn't just about trading. You can also succeed if you choose to become a forex introducing broker
By Newsday Jul. 24, 2024
ESG as a competitive strategy in bridging connectivity divide by Zim’s telcos
Many researchers found out that “socially responsibility” has to be positively related to an organisation’s financial and social performance.
By Prosper Mutswiri Jul. 23, 2024
How to rise above fear
Fear often cripples us and stops us from pursuing meaningful relationships or success because we are afraid of failing.
By Rutendo Kureya Jul. 23, 2024
Why cultural lens are required in managing the environment
Therefore, local and indigenous communities have reasons to conserve forests and keep them intact as ways of managing them through cultural attachments and worldviews.
By Peter Makwanya Jul. 22, 2024
Basic overview of the ministry of John the Baptist
He was to make his audience change their mindset (repent) according to Matthew 3:2, “And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
By Erasmus Makarimayi Jul. 20, 2024
How to hold productive meetings
State the start and end times of your meeting. Remember, punctuality matters for efficient meetings.
By Jonah Nyoni Jul. 20, 2024
Farming into poverty
For the large-scale farmers, most enjoy the prestige of being called landowners.
By Paidamoyo Muzulu Jul. 20, 2024
AI identifies breaking news faster, manages routine tasks, but trust issues remain
However, they raise questions about transparency, bias and accountability.
By Dietmar Schantin Jul. 20, 2024
Time for Zim pension funds to invest in physical gold
It is true that local pension funds took up most of the gold coins issued by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.
By Vince Musewe Jul. 19, 2024
Populism will not teach your children
Furthermore, there has been a brouhaha between the government and teachers who are engaged in moonlighting with the same children that they teach.
By Nicholas Aribino Jul. 19, 2024
Remembering the Tragedy of Karbala
The difficult path Zimbabwe has taken to become free of economic sanctions has given poignancy to the story of Imam Hussein.
By LAWRENCE K. TSURO Jul. 18, 2024
Great books I have read in 2024
I am grateful that I have passed my reading habit to many people and love the feedback from old and new readers.
By Trevor Ncube Jul. 18, 2024
Correlation between underage drinking and increased rates of anxiety, depression in Zim
Tragically, suicide has also become the second leading cause of death in this age group.
By Raymond Tendai Rusinga Jul. 18, 2024
Can You Sell Your Items On Steam To Get Fast Cash?
No, gamers can only sell games that they have received as an additional copy.
By Newsday Jul. 17, 2024
Stadia crisis, Warriors’ own goal
Zimbabwe boast five appearances at Africa’s premier football stage — in 2004, 2006, 2017, 2019 and 2021.
By Farirayi Kahwemba Jul. 17, 2024
How territorial markets are nurturing Afrocentric agroecology entrepreneurs
This means big industries that advance agroecology at a big scale are yet to be developed.
By Charles Dhewa Jul. 17, 2024
Harnessing the power of youth and indigenous knowledge: A new frontier in combating natural disasters in southern Africa
This confluence presents a promising avenue for developing resilient and sustainable solutions to combat natural disasters.
By Lawrence Makamanzi Jul. 16, 2024
Breaking the pattern: The path to better habits
Whenever you are trying to grow new habits and abandon unhealthy patterns, please remember that most of them are automatic and developed over years of repetition.
By Rutendo Kureya Jul. 16, 2024
Did we confuse this young generation?
Our world is experiencing many changes driven by human activities, natural factors, geopolitical dynamics as well as social factors.
By Tapiwa Gomo Jul. 15, 2024
Zim’s lithium gambit: Navigating China-US rivalry
AS the world is going through the green energy revolution, a steady supply of critical minerals such as lithium is paramount.
By Samir Bhattacharya Jul. 15, 2024