IT is great to hear that so many countries are supporting us in the drive to have sanctions removed. But at the same time these countries and organisations don’t appear to be putting any blame on the party that gave rise to the imposition of the sanctions in the first place.
If we recall, the sanctions were imposed to encourage Zanu PF to uphold the tenets of democracy and to stop election violence and human rights abuses. This was after observer missions from the West were denied permission to observe elections over 20 years ago and the election violence that ensued. It had nothing to do with the farm invasions as Zanu PF keeps claiming,
Surely, would it be asking too much to require Zanu PF to stop election violence and rein its supporters? It should be showing the world that it will allow a level playing field for all political parties. It should allow the police and courts to prosecute all perpetrators of violence irrespective of their political affiliation. It should be allowing Citizens Coalition for Change to hold rallies without being barred by the police and\or violent youths. It should end abductions and all other forms of human rights abuses. The list goes on and on.
We have not seen any serious action from President Emmerson Mnangagwa to stop his party members from using terrorist tactics and allow citizens freedom of movement or holding of divergent political views. In fact being terrorised for opposing Zanu PF is once again endemic in the lead-up to the 2023 elections yet we are half-a-year away from them. And the President and his party chefs seem to be encouraging the onslaught with their utterances.
His calls for peace are not heeded by Zanu PF thugs or believed by the citizens. The international community is not stupid and has no reason to believe him either.
For years Southern African Development Community, the African Union and United Nations have ignored the plight of the terrorised citizens and pleas to intervene to arrest the Zanu PF violence and allow us to have peaceful, free and fair elections.
Why is it so difficult for Mnangagwa to adhere to the conditions required for the removal of the sanctions and allow citizens freedom that was gained at independence in 1980? Or is it all about continued looting? - A Mbire
Time to practise electoral tolerance
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AS Zimbabwe gears for the 2023 general elections we must bear in mind that we are all Zimbabweans regardless of our political affiliation. We must also take this crucial moment to foster peace in all political corridors. Peace matters! Peace is vital.
In the just ended by-elections held in Inzisa and Matobo in Matabeleland South province, we witnessed a wave of political violence perpetrated by the ruling Zanu PF party supporters. This is barbaric. Why should we fight each other because of politics? Why is it difficult for us to maintain peace? This outdated behaviour has to stop forthwith.We need our nation to achieve a thriving democracy. Our nation needs healing!
The forthcoming general elections are paramount and every Zimbabwean should be allowed to vote and choose leaders of their choice without fear or intimidation.
Politics should not divide us and all political parties must show maturity and publicly denounce politically-related violence in all corners of the country. And the perpetrators of violence must be brought to book regardless of their political inclination or groupings. We must also be wary when we conduct our political activities in the country.
The prevailing toxic environment in the country is not healthy and suitable for free and fair elections. A lot of work still needs to be done to educate people — young and old — about the importance of peace and democracy. Political players have a role to play. Zimbabwe is a country that should be controlled by its citizens and electoral reforms need to be implemented forthwith. We also need a chance to make a difference — to change the country for the better because the electoral playfield is still uneven.
No one should die because of politics! No one should die because of politicians!
The clock is ticking but we still have the chance to allow democracy to bloom. In this vein, human rights should not be violated again like we witnessed in the previous general elections. We need to build better communities because the greatness of a community is measured by the compassionate actions of its members.
It is time to practise electoral tolerance.
So Zimbabweans, the choice is ours. Let’s be peaceful.
Let us correct our wrongs.
Let’s promote peace. - Terrence Mwedzi
In response to Slaughter of impounded goats barbaric, HONEST MAPURANGA says: Animal movement should be approved by the Department of Veterinary Services. It’s unfortunate that most people don’t know the economic damage that is caused by the unregulated movement of animals. On the cruelty part, I am not defending. The effects of disease outbreaks usually affects the innocent farmer and related industries. In such outbreaks, exports are temporarily stopped till inspection prove otherwise. On another note dogs that roam the roads without vaccination pose a serious health hazard to people. I recommend that those who champion animal rights should be proactive instead of being reactive. Currently, all residential areas are full of dogs, pets wondering from one bin to another. People must be taught to take care of the animals.
TAR WAR NGAR MUDA says: I don’t condemn it, animal movement should be restricted if the animals being transported do not have required paperwork from the Department of Veterinary Services and the Agriculture ministry. These animals may move with diseases that can spread to villages with people who can’t afford to treat them.
In response to The Madhuku option: Proverbial low-hanging fruit?, MASTER says: On the out of court option suggested by Lovemore Madhuku, I think it makes a lot of sense. Even superpowers negotiate for the release of their citizens when captured by terrorists, Russia/Ukraine have such type of deals as well when their soldiers are captured either side. The negotiations don’t mean there is a truce, but are only a way of having their own removed from captivity.
ABEL DUBE says: The law applies mainly to the weak not powerful, if we get that right then we will have the will to negotiate better deals. For example, how many times did we think the opposition had won the elections in Zimbabwe? We may find that we thought it won many times if not all the times it contested. Then we ask ourselves again, how many times did the opposition take over power, our answer is nil. The courts determine who sits in the office and who doesn’t. Just recently, it happened in Kenya when the courts okayed a controversial victory of the opposition. So I think politicians need to be flexible and be fast thinkers and not behave like horses with blinkers on a racecourse.