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How to be successful

Opinion & Analysis
Some people say money is not everything, but money is something that drives our lives and even determines the quality of our lives.

By Jonah Nyoni

IF you don’t change your mind, there is nothing that might change in 2022 besides your birthday. Today, let us look and dig into your personal life. If you improve yourself, you can improve your life. These are parts of your life you can improve, change your trajectory.

Master your habits

Charles Duhigg (2012) in his book The Power of Habit wrote: “40% of the actions people perform each day were not decisions, but habits.” He further says our life is a mass collection of habits.

What are habits? These are patterns, routines, customs, and practices that we do without thinking at times. We don’t need to focus on changing our lives, but changing habits.

Habits are things we have learned over years and these have been registered and accumulated to make our neurological patterns. You need to pick on new habits and drop old ones. Take time to list your good habits and plan on how you even grow those habits. Make a list of your bad habits, and strike them out with a red line and start to drop them.

Master the money game

Some people say money is not everything, but money is something that drives our lives and even determines the quality of our lives.

How you treat money will determine how long it stays with you. Money is governed by principles. Money is not wads of cash we have, but the value we have invested in ourselves. Money is attracted by being the person you are.

Master your relations

The quality of your relations will determine the quality of the thoughts you attract and what you always think about. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Now let us take stock of the people that are surrounding you. Do your friends discuss ideas? Or they are constantly discussing topical events and about other people? Think strongly about your friends, they either make you rich, or they are leading you to poverty.

Master your emotion

Personal emotions determine how you respond or react to life’s events. Emotions determine the relations you keep or lose. It’s not always intellectual intelligence that counts, but emotional intelligence. How do people relate to you or react to your emotions? Are they attracted to you because of your sweet emotions, our your toxic emotions repel them?

Master a skill

Everyone was created with unique abilities. Everyone is talented, it is only that most people have not discovered their talent. Author and speaker Zig Ziglar wrote: “Man was designed for accomplishments, engineered for success and endowed with seeds of greatness.”

Master your vision

A vision is a mental picture of where you want to be. It is a goal you want to accomplish. It is a dream of your future as created in your mind. The other way of creating your future is by having a vision board.

Merriam Webster dictionary defines a vision board as “a collage of clippings, pictures, fabric, memos, quotes, notes, and more as a way of visualising one’s future goals.”

In simple terms, it is a visual description or depiction of the future. Now is the time to create a vision board that comprises of what to accomplish in areas such as career, wealth, health, family, lifestyles, travel, hobbies, knowledge, and love. Embrace 2022 with a clear plan of who you want to become and what you want to accomplish.

  • Jonah Nyoni is an author, speaker, and leadership trainer. Follow Jonah on Twitter @jonahnyoni. WhatsApp: +263 772 581 918