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2021 murder haunts Harare man

Local News
Elton Pardon was remanded in custody to June 4 by magistrate Dennis Mangosi

A 27-YEAR-OLD Harare man appeared in court Monday over a 2021 murder case.

Elton Pardon was remanded in custody to June 4 by magistrate Dennis Mangosi.

Prosecutor Thomas Chanakira told the court that on May 22, 2021,  Pardon together with his alleged accomplices, one of them already in custody over the same charge, assaulted  Tinotenda Mandiyanike accusing him of stealing seven pairs of jeans trousers and US$400 cash belonging to Masimba Makoto.

It is alleged that the accused covered Mandiyanike’s mouth to prevent him from shouting for help, and continuously beat him up with eletric cables, car jumpers, and open fists.

At one moment, they allegedly drove to his home and ransacked the house looking for the stolen property but could not get it. Upon realising that Mandiyanike was struggling to breathe due to the heavy beatings, they allegedly rushed him to a medical facility in Ruwa and lied to the staff that they had rescued him from a marauding crowd accusing him of theft.

However, the medical facility refused to admit him as he was already dead. The accused allegedly bundled the corpse into their car and drove towards Norton before dumping it at the  62-kilometer peg along Harare - Bulawayo Highway. 

The deceased’s body was discovered lying along the road by a certain motorist who then made a police report at ZRP Norton Traffic.

Makoto was arrested on August 11, 2021, and he implicated Pardon.

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