My Dear People
It is Christmas Day, but the majority of Zimbabweans will not join in the festivities.
The holiday spirit is simply not there because most people did not receive their salaries in time for Christmas.
Those that were paid on time could not afford any meaningful shopping because prices at shops are beyond the reach of many.
Zimbabweans continue to endure one of the highest inflation rates in the world and unimaginable job losses.
Citizens have to contend with rolling power cuts that last up to 20 hours a day.
Infact, the list of our problems under the so-called second republic is so long that I cannot itemize them all in one letter.
The bottom line is that the Lacoste cabal has once again made sure that you have a miserable Christmas holiday through their incompetence and corruption.
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You must all be regretting marching with those soldiers against Baba kkkkkk
On the day the Lactoste cabal purported to be commemorating the Unity Accord, police were arresting activists in Bulawayo who had gathered at Father Zimbabwe’s statue to honour victims of the Gukurahundi massacres.
The three activists were accused of holding banners written “the power of memory and truth in seeking justice and healing, end of genocide, Gukurahundi, umbhuqazwe, 22 December 2022.”
Prosecutors alleged that they disturbed the smooth flow of human and vehicular traffic by marching on the streets of Bulawayo, but we know the real reason is that they touched on a subject that makes the owners of this country uncomfortable.
The arrests are happening under the watch of the so-called second republic that claims to have made it possible for Zimbabweans to talk about the Gukurahundi atrocities without having to watch their backs as was the case during the Gushungo years.
Ngwena has arrested more people for talking about that dark period in Matabeleland and Midlands than Baba ever did during his 37-year-long iron fisted rule.
It is up to you to decide who is/was the dictator between the two.
If you believe that the Lacoste gang leader is interested in addressing the Gukurahundi issue, then you will believe anything.
It is naïve for people to believe that perpetrators of those atrocities are the ones that will deliver justice for the victims.
Ngwena and his cabal are only interested in ruling you and eating on your behalf.
Unlike Baba, they do not stand for anything and they make these promises to hoodwink you so that you continue voting for them.
Almost two months after their drab congress, Ngwena on Friday eventually announced Zanu PF’s new politburo and the list did not contain any suprises. It was the usual deadwood and praise singers like Chris.
After some globetrotting, “outshining” philanthropists from around the world and collecting PHDs for fun, Dr Amai 11 capped the year by earning a spot in the politburo as secretary for environment and tourism.
Once again the Gushungo haters, who used to talk about a dynasty when I deservedly got appointed to the politburo by Baba, are conspicuous by their silence when it comes to Lacoste appointments.
I did not do half the things Dr Amai 11 is doing yet I was vilified as if I was the one who caused inflation or slowed down power generation in Kariba.
So Dr Amai 11 is now using her Zimbabwe Red Cross certificate in industrial basic first aid to tend to patients!
The Horrid told us that while “clad in her Red Cross uniform, (Dr Amai 11) listened to queries from patients (at a clinic in Harare’s Stoneridge area) while writing them on the patient’s card, checked their pulse, temperature and blood pressure, which she recorded before referring them to the doctor’s room for treatment.”
The poor journalist ran out of superlatives to describe the spectacle in Stoneridge.
We were told “the patients (Dr Amai) served were satisfied with her services and know-how of health issues and general equipment.”
I wonder what else this super first lady can’t do in this world to endear herself with Zimbabweans and help her unpopular husband to secure a second term in office.
We have seen her being a marriage counsellor, Zupco bus driver, vendor….. the list is endless.
I can assure you, she is not doing all these things because she cares or loves you. It is only about securing the bag for her family and grandchildren.
All this purported charity work is meant to distract people while she is busy working behind the scenes to build her family as the next political and business dynasty in Zimbabwe.
If you thought I was looting because I used to frequent the best destinations in the world for shopping, then you haven’t seen anything yet from this lot.
Another G40 kingpin, Shadreck Mashayamombe, has announced that he is quitting politics.
The exiled Mashayamombe said he was now shifting focus to the businesses he left in Zimbabwe after he was forced out during the coup that toppled Baba’s legitimately elected government.
I won’t lose sleep over people who cannot stand for what is right and are easily intimidated, but I will continue to count on the brave ones like Tyson who are fighting tooth and nail to keep Gushungo’s legacy alive. Amadoda sibili!
Gushungo Chete Chete!
Chatunga Chete Chete!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)