Minister snubbed over ED2030 campaign

Critics have raised fears that Mnangagwa’s allies wanted to subvert the constitution.
By Mirriam Mangwaya Jul. 21, 2024

Boxing champ goes for first aid training

Discovery Ambulance Services founder and chief executive officer David Munowenyu said all is set for the mega event, a first of its kind on the local scene.
By Sports Reporter Jul. 18, 2024

Govt to roll out ICT workshops for rural folks

Mavetera said the initiative dovetails with the government’s thrust of “leaving no one and no place behind.”
By Mpumelelo Moyo Jul. 10, 2024

Rushwaya: All in good shape for Vasikana Dzidza Boot Camp

Rushwaya has set June 24 to July 1 for the Vasikana Dzidza Music Camp in Domboshava. Vasikanaka dzidza is an imperative Shona phrase which means “girls get educated.”
By Tendai Sauta May. 16, 2024

All set for Evolve ICT Summit 2024 at the HICC

ICT Minister Tatenda Mavetera will officially open the summit on Friday morning, which is running under the theme “Lead with Vision”.
By Staff Reporter May. 1, 2024

ICT minister lauds Econet’s stand at the ZITF

Visitors in need of any of Econet’s products and services are able to purchase them, with the support of friendly customer service representatives.
By Donald Nyandoro Apr. 25, 2024

Minister Matevera lauds Econet’s stand at the ZITF

Visitors in need of any of Econet’s products and services are able to purchase them, with the support of friendly customer service representatives.
By Donald Nyandoro Apr. 25, 2024

Mahachi pays tribute to late SA gospel icon

Mahachi and Ncwane collaborated on a 2015 hit single titled Ndinoda Jesu/Ngiyamuthanda uJesu, which marked the beginning of their connection.
By Style Reporter Apr. 23, 2024

ICT ministry commences rural and urban digitalisation drive

According to Mavetera, the digitalisation efforts also focus on enhancing government services through the implementation of e-governance solutions.
By Online Reporter Apr. 5, 2024