Chamisa mourns long-time opposition legislator Zwizwai

Zwizwai was a founding member of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and a senior official in the united CCC.
By Staff Reporter Jun. 2, 2024

Opposition snubs by-elections

Tshabangu wrested the CCC from former party leader Nelson Chamisa.
By Problem Masau Mar. 1, 2024

MDC presses for CCC’s removal from party offices

The party offices, located at corner Fort Street and 3rd Avenue, were repainted blue by former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa’s loyalists, who also hung a portrait of the opposition politician.
By CITE Feb. 5, 2024

Editorial: Chamisa must pause and reflect

Zanu PF was intent on creating a one-party state and it demonstrated that after one of its own Edgar Tekere formed ZUM following his expulsion in 1988.
By The Standard Feb. 4, 2024

Zanu PF bullying other parties: Mwonzora

Damba said Zimbabwe’s security sector was being monopolised by the ruling party to the detriment of the opposition.  
By Brent Shamu Jan. 30, 2024

Develop me: When opposition politics is infected with autoimmunity

So, because Tshabangu recalled his party’s elected members, he too must use the same method. 
By Tapiwa Gomo Jan. 22, 2024

The elusive promise of a democratic breakthrough

While these parties hold promise, it is essential to recognise that they are not a guaranteed solution for achieving democratic change.
By Liam Kanhenga and Youngerson Matete Dec. 21, 2023

Mwonzora locked out of Harvest House

The election was condemned as a sham and Mugabe was forced into a unity government with his rivals.
By Tafadzwa Kachiko Nov. 29, 2023

Party supporters seek Mwonzora’s arrest

Nyathi also revealed that some members had reported a case against Mwonzora to the police.
By Sydney Kawadza and Tanyaradzwa Kapuru Nov. 27, 2023