Zanu PF fights in alleged rapist’s corner

This emerged at the Harare magistrates court  on Friday when Innocent Tatenda Zanorehamba appeared before magistrate Stanford Mambanje facing charges of raping a maid.

By The Standard Aug. 7, 2022

Zanu PF fights in alleged rapist’s corner

This emerged at the Harare magistrates court  on Friday when Innocent Tatenda Zanorehamba appeared before magistrate Stanford Mambanje facing charges of raping a maid.

By The Standard Aug. 7, 2022

Is it time to protect people from their churches?

Almost all types of churches promise congregants financial prosperity, instant gratification and an almost hedonistic kind of salvation in exchange for financial donations to the church. It was a radical departure from the old fashioned Christian values which promoted perseverance, long suffering, piety, delayed gratification and turning the other cheek.

By The Standard Apr. 30, 2022