Construct fireguards around your property

Veld fires have negatively affected strategic infrastructure in the agriculture, tourism and communication sectors. In 2021, property worth US$370 873 was destroyed by fire. Unfortunately, eight lives were lost during the 2021 dry season.

By The Standard Jul. 3, 2022

Construct fireguards around your property

Veld fires have negatively affected strategic infrastructure in the agriculture, tourism and communication sectors. In 2021, property worth US$370 873 was destroyed by fire. Unfortunately, eight lives were lost during the 2021 dry season.

By The Standard Jul. 3, 2022

Govt incentive divides teachers

Government offered a 20% salary increment to civil servants in February and announced several incentives, including payment of fees for children of teachers.

By Hstvzim Apr. 14, 2022

Tobacco seed sales decline 30%

TOBACCO seed sales for the 2005/6 season are facing a 30% decrease which is set to have a major bearing on the country’s national output and foreign currency earnings

By The Standard Jan. 5, 2022

Tobacco seed sales decline 30%

TOBACCO seed sales for the 2005/6 season are facing a 30% decrease which is set to have a major bearing on the country’s national output and foreign currency earnings

By The Standard Jan. 5, 2022