The great awakening


Man was not created to fully function from the flesh; rather, man was intended to operate from the Spirit. The Bible says that God breathed into man, and man became a living being (Genesis 2:7). When God created man, His intention was for men to function as living spirits. However, when man sinned, it seems as if the order of operation was flipped — men began to function from the flesh rather than the spirit. Men became more conscious of the flesh. Before the fall, Adam did not notice that he was naked. Why? Because he was not focused on the flesh; he was functioning from the spirit.

So, when Adam sinned, it was as if his fleshly eyes were opened, and his spiritual eyes became dim. Although he could still access the spirit, his eyes were now dimmed or blinded to the spirit, and he became more aware of the flesh. The first thing Adam noticed was his nakedness and the nakedness of his wife, which made him feel shame — something he wasn't conscious of before.

When man sinned, he was blinded to the realm of authority that he was called to function from, the realm in which Adam had dominion (Genesis 1:26). Not only were his spiritual eyes closed, but he also became less aware of the authority he carried. Adam lost a fraction of his strength and ability.

When Jesus came, His desire was to awaken us to our identity as spiritual beings. When God created Adam, He made him a living being. However, when Jesus came, He not only awakened us to our spiritual nature but also gave us a new nature, which is far superior to the one we had at first. Jesus made us life-giving spirits (1 Corinthians 15:45). The difference is that when God created us in the beginning, we were living beings, but when Jesus came, He made us life-giving spirits. This means that we can now share our nature with others through the preaching of the Word. We have the ability to impart what we have to others.

So, Jesus not only awakened us to our spiritual nature but also gave us the ability to awaken others. When the Word of God is preached, we are not just speaking words; we are releasing life through those words. The Bible says that the first man, Adam, was a living being, but the second man, Adam (Jesus Christ), is a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45). Jesus Christ called us to Himself so that we also become life-giving spirits. Therefore, when we preach the Word of God, we are imparting life into others.

The challenge is that many people take the preaching of the Word of God for granted. Do you know that even as you are reading this message, life is being imparted to you? When Adam sinned, it was through eating a fruit that he became aware of a nature he wasn't conscious of before. After eating the fruit, he began to realise he was naked, and he experienced shame and fear for the first time (Genesis 3:6-7).

Similarly, after hearing the Word of God, people should begin to realise the victory they have in Christ, the health they have in Christ, and the prosperity they have in Christ. It is only through the Word that we can see the perfection of man. The Bible even says, "I said, 'You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High" (Psalm 82:6). Do you know the nature we carry as humans? Do you know who we are? The Bible shows us from the beginning that man was given dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26-28).

The reason we, as men, are not fully functional is that we don't understand our true nature. It is through the preaching and reading of the Word that we are awakened to our nature. My desire is for you to be awakened to who you are. The Bible speaks about renewing our minds. Why are we renewing our minds? So that we begin to think the same way God thinks about us, and so that we begin to see life the same way that God sees life (Romans 12:2). The Great Awakening is here.

God bless you!

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