Vanessa Jaravaza

Vanessa Jaravaza

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Informal sector perspective on expensive economy

Therefore, money supply plays a crucial role in the formalisation of the informal sector as well as inclusiveness of sources of credits and funds.
By Vanessa Jaravaza Sep. 2, 2022

Neo-liberalism, debt management

A tight grip on markets, trade barriers, political interference, and inefficient public policies impede economic recovery and gender equality.
By Vanessa Jaravaza Sep. 23, 2022

Shady deals undermine govt’s social protection capacity

MNCs activities and structures have critical and influential control on national policies such as taxation, investment protection and immigration.
By Vanessa Jaravaza Oct. 7, 2022

New Horizon: Leveraging MSMEs growth through free trade in Africa

The main purpose of regional integration is to increase Africa’s visibility in the global market and enhancing domestic economies.
By Vanessa Jaravaza Dec. 2, 2022

Opinion: Will debt cancellation solve poverty and inequality?

Dialogues on debt cancellation and restructuring have taken centre stage with countries such as Ghana, Chad, Ethiopia, and Zambia  setting the pace for the much needed debt relief on the continent.
By Vanessa Jaravaza Feb. 3, 2023

Opinion: Supporting MSMEs to curb ‘illicit substance economy’

Around 86% of MSMEs are unregistered and part of them account for the growing underground drug businesses.
By Vanessa Jaravaza Mar. 10, 2023

Perspectives: Closing the gender gap through effective pro- poor debt policies

The country currently lacks a comprehensive debt policy, which ensures maintenance of sound financial position and protected credit quality.
By Vanessa Jaravaza May. 21, 2023

Financial literacy, support in gold-backed economy needed

This intensifies mistrust and lack of confidence by the public of the ability of local currencies to solve the country’s current financial crisis.
By Vanessa Jaravaza Jun. 30, 2023

Gendered perspective on structured currency

Annual inflation had reached over 1 000% and market trading including payments of public services, taxes, and fuel are predominantly pegged at USD prices.
By Vanessa Jaravaza May. 10, 2024

Gendered perspective on structured currency.

Annual inflation had reached over 1 000% and market trading including payments of public services, taxes, and fuel are predominantly pegged at USD prices.
By Vanessa Jaravaza May. 17, 2024