Teen model tackles child marriages

Masvobho told NewsDay Life & Style that the campaign aims to educate fellow teenagers about the dangers associated with early marriages.

BY CHIEDZA MAZHANGARA TEEN model Caroline Masvobho (18), signed under Midfinest Modelling Agency, says she has embarked on a campaign to enlighten society about child marriages and empowering the girl child so that she stands up for her rights.

According to the United Nations, one in three girls in Zimbabwe gets married before the age of 18.

United nations logo

Masvobho told NewsDay Life & Style that the campaign aims to educate fellow teenagers about the dangers associated with early marriages.

“I have realised that there has been an increase in child marriages and this has led to many young ladies losing their lives in the process of giving birth. So, the campaign seeks to raise awareness and talk about issues affecting young women and girls in our society,” she said.

“I have also gathered that some of the teenagers who are in early marriages are not doing this out of their own will, but sometimes due to poverty, culture, religious beliefs, ignorance and general lack of information.”

Masvobho said some of the girls who got married early “are those who will be living with abusive stepmothers or stepfathers, hence most of them tend to see marriage as the only escape route”.

Pregnant school pupil

“So, my aim is to talk about these issues enlightening each other that marriage is not the ultimate solution to any life challenges that one may face,” she said.

Masvobho said she was also working on videos to be shared on YouTube channel that would discuss the issue of early marriages.

“I believe this project is going to be a success although the journey is not going to be an easy one. For it to be successful, we need to work together as a nation because this is not for me and my society, but it is for everyone,” she said.

  • Follow Chiedza on Twitter@ChiedzaMazhang1

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