Outcry over TTI clamping cars

 TTI spokesperson Caroline Nleya requested questions in writing but had not responded by the time of going to print.
By Bongile Moyo Jun. 21, 2024

BCC, TTI streamline parking management

“Clearer visibility of the call centre phone numbers on all tickets issued by TTI for members of the public to contact when clamped or when they have a complaint [sic].”
By Silas Nkala May. 8, 2024

Byo senior citizens get free parking

“Senior citizens have started enjoying their monthly 25 hours of free parking time and we continue to register eligible senior citizens,” Nleya said.
By Daniel Moyo Apr. 8, 2024

Motorist fined US$200 for assaulting parking marshal

TTI was awarded a US$2 million tender for vehicle parking management in 2022 by Bulawayo City Council.
By Staff Reporter Feb. 20, 2024

Motorist assaults TTI marshal

Nhenderere was restrained from further assaulting the TTI marshal by onlookers before his arrest.
By Jerssie Mpofu Feb. 11, 2024

Motorist granted bail for assaulting TTI marshal

The TTI marshal was hit by Nhenderere using open hands and fists.
By Jerssie Mpofu Feb. 8, 2024

Byo introduces new parking package

TTI general manager Bongani Nyathi yesterday said the new US$4 package allows motorists to use the same ticket the whole day.
By Nizbert Moyo Sep. 21, 2023

Letters: TTI: ls it a service to residents or terror?

This is due to the harassment of motorists by the company’s enforcement teams.
By Amh Voices Jul. 24, 2023

BCC faces 7-day parking fee protests

Bulawayo businessman Anglistone Sibanda said TTI and BCC were anti-people.
By Silas Nkala Jun. 9, 2023