Examples of true faith champions

Faith can be personified through notable individuals or groups of people who had unwavering beliefs in positive outcomes, based on their trust on the reliability of our living God. Whether through the spoken words of the Almighty or through their own positive spiritual convictions, they possessed confidence in unseen things or uncertain situations to believe […]

Faith can be personified through notable individuals or groups of people who had unwavering beliefs in positive outcomes, based on their trust on the reliability of our living God. Whether through the spoken words of the Almighty or through their own positive spiritual convictions, they possessed confidence in unseen things or uncertain situations to believe in whatever, with certainty. Such people are the true champions of our faith. They are the faith warriors. We should honour them by exemplifying their personalities and of their faith.


Genesis chapters 6-9 carry the story of Noah. Faith led Noah to believe the warnings from God about what was to come. He stepped out to obey and act on every word spoken by the Lord, and built an ark that would save him and his family, together with every other species of creatures which he brought with him into the ark. His righteousness came through his faith in all which was spoken. He had the gift of faith.

Genesis, chapters 12-25 are written of the glittering faith of Abraham. Faith propelled Abraham to obey God’s call to leave his familiar lands to go out there, to discover the territory he was destined to inherit. He left his ancestral land with only a promise of the unknown, without even knowing beforehand where he was going. He stepped out blinded in faith. His eyes were focused only on God’s promise of a land. He embraced another promise, that Sarah his wife, would conceive even though she was past childbearing age. His faith rested in the Lord our God, who had made the promises. He saw beyond the horizon the fulfilment of those promises, even though they were unseen. He was put again to the test, for him to offer up Isaac, his then only son born out of the promise. Despite God’s promises of descendants through Isaac, he was willing to forgo that promise through the hope that the Lord still had another plan laid out for him.

The power of faith also prompted Isaac to pronounce prophetic destinies and blessings to his sons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob also lived and worshipped in the realms of faith, and also imparted prophetic blessings to each of his sons (Genesis 49). Faith also inspired Joseph, Jacob’s son, to see into the future. At his death, he prophesied about the exodus of the descendants of Israel out of Egypt, and gave instructions that his bones were to be taken out of Egypt with them (Genesis 50:24-26).

Faith empowered Moses to accept God’s instructions, for although he was raised as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter (his true parents were Hebrews), he clung to his true identity; choosing to align himself with the suffering and mistreatment of his people. He found true wealth in suffering abuse, to gain anointment, more wealthier than the wealth on offer through his adopted mother’s Egyptian heritage and riches. Through the burning bush (Exodus 3), his faith towards God was heated up, as if he had seen the Almighty who is unseen. Thereafter, he had no fear of the Pharaoh on the numerous missions he was assigned to execute. Faith stirred Moses to perform the ritual of the Passover, and sprinkle lamb’s blood on door lintels, to prevent the destruction of firstborn sons of the people of God (Exodus 12). Faith opened the way for the Hebrews to cross the Red Sea as if on dry land. When the Egyptians also tried to cross, they were swallowed up and drowned.

The faith of Gideon conquered kingdoms and ensured that true justice prevailed (Judges 6-8). Samson’s faith gave him enormous strength and he conquered and slew thousands of Philistines (Judges 13-15). Hanna’s faith in the Lord brought forth a son, Samuel (1 Samuel 1). Samuel grew up with a lot of zeal and faith in the Lord’s priest, Eli. He became a renowned prophet of God, to ensure the recovery and preservation of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord (Samuel 4), and as a faithful ruler of the house of Israel.

Let us not forget King David, who through his faith slew the giant, Goliath. This propelled him to be the King of the people of Israel. Faith ignited courage within such people, such that they became mighty warriors in battle. Out of the house of David was to arise a Saviour, who would save humanity from the damnations of sins.

There are many other faith champions too numerous to mention, both in our scriptures and of latter-day saints. They didn’t deny their faith in order to be freed. Others were mocked and experienced the most severe torture. Some were put in chains and imprisoned, or brutally killed by stoning or through the sword. Most of them lost everything they possessed, endured great afflictions and many other forms of tribulations. They wandered the earth living in the desert wilderness, in caves, on barren mountains and in holes in the earth, boldly clinging to their faith.

Some of these true warriors of faith lived in hope, without receiving the fullness of what was promised them. Faith brings our hopes into reality, to become the foundation and cornerstone of our life. Yet it was this faith that was implanted and exemplified into us through God’s own creations of all the things in the universe, the oceans, the seas and all the creatures that dwell upon both the land and in the waters. God spoke words that evolved into the physical creations and of the beauties of all things that were hitherto invisible. His faith in the power of His words brought everything into view. He still dwells with faith.

His Son, Jesus Christ, personified his father’s faith. In the same manner, he commanded and spoke, by which he would turn words into a reality. He ordered the cleansing of the sick, and people would be instantly healed. He commanded the raging seas to be calm, and they obeyed. He brought back life into the dead. He taught us of the true value of faith. His disciples followed in his example, using faith as an instrument of will. Apostle Paul (St. Paul) also preached vehemently about faith and lived as the embodiment of it. Let us all live in the examples of our faith warriors and the champions of faith.

Prosper Tingini is the Scribe of the Children of God Missionary Assembly – God’s messengers. Contact details: Mobile: 0771 260 195. Email address: [email protected]