AUTHOR and community builder Believe Guta will today officially launch his inspirational literary work, Hard Times Never Kill, at the Kadoma Library auditorium.

The book, Guta said, is designed to strengthen and inspire people in challenging times.

The former Junior Citizen Award winner, courtesy of the NewsDay Community Builders Awards, told this publication that problems should be viewed as stepping stones to success.

“The book is about making sure readers understand that there is no need to give up, quit or think of committing suicide when trials and tribulations present themselves. Instead, we should realise that problems are temporary and present opportunities for growth and creativity,” Guta, who is also an actor, scriptwriter, entrepreneur and business strategist, said.

He said he penned the book following his arrest and incarceration for an undisclosed crime in which he denies any wrongdoing.

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“I wrote this book at a time when I became a victim of injustice and was remanded in prison. During that time, I had excuses and reasons to think negatively, but I decided to think positively. I realised that what one thinks about the problem is much more important than the problem itself,” he said.

Guta said the book consists of several personalities who stand their ground despite challenging times.

The foreword of the book was written by acclaimed motivational speaker and author, Noah Mangwarara, who has a number of published works under his belt.

Guta self-published the book, which he said would soon be on sale in bookshops countrywide.