MASVINGO-BASED actor and drama icon David Mubaiwa — popularly known as Sabhuku Vharazipi — in collaboration with Community Tolerance Reconciliation and Development (Cotrad) has produced a video skit calling for fair distribution of government aid by public officials.

The video skit provides an overview of how government aid is used for retributive purposes.

The video also shows the inherent flaws and popular criticisms of aid distribution systems in Zimbabwe and Masvingo province in particular.

The video also encouraged public officials to consult the people during the beneficiary selection processes to ensure that the aid benefited its intended beneficiaries.

Masvingo is hit by severe drought and most people require food aid. Government has been providing rice and maize to vulnerable families by the selection processes for beneficiaries have been high-jacked by traditional leaders and elected officials who use the aid to punish their critics.

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