Fresh alarm raised over attempts to constrict NGOs

Lawfare refers to the strategic weaponisation of the law, often by the government, to silence dissent and choke opposition.
By Tinashe Kairiza Jul. 26, 2024

‘ZiG was imposed on Zimbos’

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has on several occasions been accused of abusing Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Act to dodge consulting the Legislature.
By Tapiwa Zivira May. 10, 2024

Uphold media freedom, govt urged

Young Journalists Association (YOJA) said the state of media freedom remains a matter of grave concern.
By Sharon Buwerimwe May. 4, 2024

Chibaya, 25 CCC activists trial continues

The group was being represented by lawyers from the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum  — Wilbert Mandinde, Kudzai Kadzere and Chris Mhike.
By Trevor Mutsvairo Apr. 9, 2024

Broken Calabash: A microcosm of elections in Zimbabwe

This traditional vessel (Calabash), once whole, symbolizes unity and community.
By Phillip Nyasha Fungurai Apr. 3, 2024

Zim’s elections now a source of fear

TN: It is a pleasure having you here. Tell me, am I right in assuming that now that the elections are over ZimRights can relax?
By In Conversation With Trevor Mar. 31, 2024

Zim in desperate need of truth, healing

The human rights watchdog said if these past atrocities were not addressed, they would continue to influence the present.
By Priviledge Gumbodete Mar. 26, 2024

Amend the Termination of Pregnancy Act: ZHRC

In a statement, the ZHRC chairperson Elasto Mugwadi said amending the law would safeguard women and girls regardless of age.
By Brent Shamu Mar. 12, 2024

What have you done for Zimbabwe lately?

Zimbabwe is sliding into a failed State, according to ZimRights.
By Trevor Ncube Mar. 7, 2024