Perspectives: Zimbabwe must strive to build resilient communities

Presidential democracy has never existed since time memorial because of long stay in aggrandized, abused and mis-managed power.
By Nevison Mpofu Jul. 7, 2024

Edutainment mix: 'Rhymes of resilience: Zimbabwean poetry since independence'

Poetry month encourages people of all ages to engage with poetry and explore their own creative potential.
By Raymond Millagre Langa Apr. 21, 2024

Briefs: Tsholotsho woman helps orphans

Siqinisweyinkosi Mhlanga, an orphan and a beneficiary of the Joshua Nkomo scholarship, established the Orphans' Friend in 2008.
By Nizbert Moyo Mar. 3, 2024

Byo mayor Coltart in charm offensive to lure investors

JNFSA is a non-governmental organisation based in South Africa that is tasked with preserving the legacy of the late Vice-President, Joshua Nkomo.
By Nizbert Moyo Nov. 22, 2023

Tongogara and Mugabe: The fallout

In the main conference meetings, he does not toe the line and sometimes challenges Mugabe’s averments.
By Arthur Mutambara Oct. 20, 2023

Candid Comment: Zanu PF leaders must uphold democracy

Zanu PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa has been issuing inflammatory statements about how the nationalists fought for democracy.
By Silence Sep. 1, 2023

Matobo RDC frustrates Nkomo memorial project

Matobo RDC chief executive officer Elvis Sibanda said Nyathi was not telling the truth.
By Silas Nkala Aug. 7, 2023

Mugabe’s ouster inspired author

Zihundi told NewsDay Life & Style that he hopes readers of his book draw lessons on how greed and desire for power can be their downfall.
By Mpumelelo Moyo Jul. 18, 2023

Releasing Chihambakwe report key to honouring Joshua Nkomo

This opportunism, particularly from Mnangagwa, is nauseating and an affront to common decency.
By Trevor Ncube Jul. 13, 2023