IT IS 10 days before we close 2019 and we say hello to 2020. If you get into 2020 without a plan, I am sorry to say little or nothing will change in the state of your personal affairs. It’s said, if you don’t have a vision for your life, someone else will employ you to build their own vision. If you can’t take life seriously, you won’t have serious rewards. Let me give you 10 tips that will help you excel in 2020.

Break rules

What made most to be broke financially are their average habits. Average habits say to you: you don’t need to take a risk. Play it safe. Chase a salary. Get a job and rest. There is no rest in mediocrity. Mediocrity makes you spend the rest of your life chasing things and avoiding your dreams. Breaking rules means you are going against the tide. It is never easy, but it’s even more painful to live an average or poor life. Average life is hinged mainly on linear thinking, but when you break rules you engage in non-linear thinking. Life is never a straight line, you must disrupt the normal.


Everyone is a leader; we lead in our personal crafts or talent. To be a leader you must also break rules. Average people don’t lead; disruptive people do. Leaders are aiming higher, dreaming bigger and acting more. Leaders don’t wait for a good life, they create a great life. Leaders don’t complain, they create. Leaders don’t follow masses, they follow their intuition. In what area are you going to lead? What’s your “Big why” for your life. If you want to influence more people, learn to lead from within.

Keep Reading


“The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage,” says Arie De Geus. To stay ahead of the game, learn. Learn new skills, ideas, competences and learn from new trends. Jim Rohn once said formal education gives a living, self-education gives you a fortune. You don’t need to be intelligent to win, but wise. Wisdom is derived from learning. It is said average people read one or two or no book at all, but great leaders read between four to six books per month.


There are people somewhere that are better than you, richer than you, and smarter than you. Learn from them. Forge synergies that will add value to you. Les Brown usually says, if you are smarter than you friends, look for a new crew. To become a great networker, you need to learn people skills and emotional intelligence.


Opportunities are shrouded as problems everywhere and that needs a person with an eye for an opportunity. This goes beyond the normal sense of sight. The money you need is somewhere around, you look.


One thing that pays so much is the ability to use one’s natural talent. Leverage on what you already have and that will give you personal fulfilment. Natural endowments give you an advantage over everyone else, because they are God-given. John Tibane wrote: “Don’t underestimate yourself.

Don’t undermine yourself. Don’t undersell yourself. You are engineered to excel, designed to deliver, wired to win, powered to perform, and created to create.”

Learn to dance

I have since learnt that you can only dance your best to your most favourite tune. Don’t allow people to choose for you a song to dance to. Love your life and live it to the best. Design, document, develop, declare and deploy your best life so as to leave a great mark. Leave old traits, and pick new empowering habits. On habits a mind expert, Jim Kwik says, create your habits, and then habits will create you. If you master your thoughts, you have mastered you life. Change your thoughts to change your life. In 2020, nothing will change until you change yourself first.

Jonah Nyoni is an author, success coach and certified leadership/business trainer. He is the author of Inspiration for Success and Success Within Reach.