HIGHLANDERS’ president and Bulawayo businessman Jonathan Themba Mhlanga, who died on Thursday, was buried at Lady Stanley Cemetery in Bulawayo yesterday.


Mhlanga, who was 81, succumbed to illness at Premier Services Hospital also in Bulawayo.

Hundreds of Bulawayo residents, Highlanders members and supporters, football stakeholders as well as politicians and business people attended the burial.

Highlanders’ board secretary Jimmy Ncube said Mhlanga was committed to the success of the club.

“He was committed and very dedicated to Highlanders. We have had problems as you would appreciate we have been talking about finances here and there. Mhlanga started off as a treasurer of the club and his commitment to the club was unwavering. We are very sad to have lost him.”

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Zifa vice-president Omega Sibanda also attended the burial and said the late Mhlanga left a legacy that needed to be upheld.

“He was a football man. As Zifa we have lost one of the pioneers of the success of football in this country and I am so impressed by this send off.

“There are so many people, 90% of them are football people. We recognise his contribution to football. He did a tremendous job to make sure Highlanders existed up to this time.”

Highlanders’ benefactor who is War Veterans minister Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube, Zapu president Dumiso Dabengwa and Bulawayo provincial affairs minister Eunice Sandi-Moyo attended the church service before burial.

Mhlanga is survived by his wife Mavis, four sons and three daughters, 13 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.