The Zimbabwe International Bench Rest Association held the inaugural match on their new range in Harare on Sunday, which attracted 14 competitors in both centre-fire and rim-fire events and saw Roscoe Dickinson emerging winner.

After four tightly contested matches, Cleveland Pistol Club’s Dickinson emerged as the overall winner with an aggregate group size of 0,3378 in a discipline that rewards competitors for firing a number of rounds into the smallest possible group.

Louis Nel of Harare Rifle Club was in second place with an aggregate of 0,3914, while Steve Watkins, Duncan Frost and Casper Briel rounded out the top five with scores of 0,4094, 0,4260 and 0,4462 respectively.

Zimbabwe has been offered the chance to host the 2012 Africa Area Championships next September which will attract competitors from all over Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia.