MOUNTAINEERS franchise cricket star Greg Lamb is set to retire from both international and franchise cricket club this year.


Mountaineers chief executive officer John Brent confirmed the development yesterday at the club’s offices in Mutare although he did not highlight why the talented star was taking a sabbatical from the game that gave him fame.

“I am not sure if we are going to get overseas players for our side in the upcoming season because we are waiting to hear from the Zimbabwe Cricket about this year’s season,” he said.

“There might be changes, l think our coach Gary Brent is doing something over some of the issues. The other issue is that Greg Lamb might retire from both international and franchise cricket, this is what we have now.”

“Batsman Mark Pettini from Essex in England is eager to come back at the franchise.

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He played in all versions of the game and he is talented player who can carry the day for the team. One of the interesting issues is that Worcestershire cricket country club captain opening batsman in England Daryl Mitchell is eager to join us,” John said.