TWO Guruve teachers appeared before resident magistrate Shingirai Mutiro yesterday for allegedly drinking illicit beer (kachasu) in class.

By Simbarashe Sithole

The State alleges that on August 3 last year, Hardlife Ziuchi (41) and Letmore Dambajena (38) drank the illicit brew while conducting lessons.

The teachers allegedly sent a student to buy the illicit brew at a nearby village.

One of the students alerted the school head, who found the bottle of kachasu hidden in a cardboard box.

The head ordered the teachers to write a report, confirming that they were drinking while on duty.

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In their defence, the pair told the court that their headmaster was fixing them on political grounds since they supported different political parties.

“Your worship, this case has turned to be political.

Our school head does not want us there, hence he is fabricating all sorts of stories,” they said.

The trial will continue on September 24.

Spiwe Makarichi represented the State.