NEW Minister of State for Liaising on Psychomotor Activities in Education and Vocational Training Josaya Hungwe says his main task will be to integrate primary education and vocational training so that Zimbabwe produces educated and productive personnel.


In an interview at State House before he was sworn in by President Robert Mugabe on Wednesday, Hungwe said he would assess the training needs of pupils from primary education right up to tertiary and vocational training.

“We need to assess the training needs of pupils right from primary level and determine training needs and identify the type of trainers needed to develop the identified skills,” Minister Hungwe said.

When the portfolio was announced on Tuesday, many Zimbabweans expressed ignorance about the existence and functions of such a ministry.

Explaining the functions of the ministry, Hungwe said the psychomotor portfolio would link primary and secondary education to the country’s tertiary and vocational training needs.

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The 78-year-old former Masvingo governor and resident minister said he holds several diplomas in education and business and has worked as a schools’ supervisor, manager, inspector and education officer before he joined the private sector where he worked as an executive director for 13 companies including Kadoma Textiles, before he became governor.

People interpreted Mugabe’s decision to create a portfolio for Hungwe as a balancing act in the fractious Masvingo Province after the appointment of Dzikamai Mavhaire as Energy minister.

Mavhaire and Hungwe are believed to be heading rival factions in the province battling to succeed Mugabe.

“It is not a new task for me. I have been in the education sector for a long time,” Hungwe said.

“We will ensure that we fully implement the Nziramasanga Commission recommendations (on education) so that Zimbabwe does not produce only educated, but productive people. Being educated and productive are two different things. People should be able to put to effect what they learn. This is where we come in, to synchronise primary, secondary and vocational training.”