You will agree with me that the things that God gave to humanity as a blessing and for His own purposes have been and are being corrupted every day in the world so much that they have become a curse to humanity. It is sad to see how the world systems, humanism and religion, pervert these sacred things of God and deceive people into believing there is a better way of doing these without following the foundational instructions of God who created those things. The world systems want to bring people to a point where they can doubt the authenticity of the word of God.

By Kilton Moyo

Remember that at the foundation of human affliction is this doubt of God’s word and disobedience to it. This is what the devil sought and achieved in Genesis 3 when he caused the man and the woman to doubt God’s sincerity in His instruction. It appears this onslaught continues up to now. As far as I see things, marriage, family, sex, and money are the four gifts that the enemy seeks to confuse and bondage humanity through. I think we must all be agreed to the eternal truth that the devil did not create these, but God did. All the devil does is to bring perversions and lure billions of people into them so they can live a life that rejects God. Marriage has been perverted by the so-called same sex and even by polygamy. The family has been perverted by the same theory as in marriage, gender-based violence and many others. Sexual intercourse has suffered the most. Money also has been twisted and people are so confused even as the love of it has set many souls on fire. Some think that money is sin and root to evil. Different human cultures teach different things about money and some of the teachings have led to serious poverty. Some sections of the church teach other strange things also. But what remains is that money is a good thing. Money is of God and not the devil. We all need money in this life. What is wrong is the love of money and not money. What also remains is that marriage between a male and a female person is good and holy. Family is sacred and of God. What also remains is that sex is of God. Sexual intercourse is good and of God and edifying as long as it is done within His created environment of marriage. Anything outside this is a perversion and sin.

I want to briefly dwell on sex today. Many perversions are on sale these days in the world. Whether we like it or not these have a serious impact on the quality of human life these days and on humanity’s relationship with God, the Creator. The world portrays such perversions as homosexuality, and lesbianism as human rights. Adultery and fornication are portrayed as human traditions or cultures. Despite the pain these have caused to humanity, we still enjoy them and defend them. Anyone who dares to speak against these is an enemy and is anti-human rights. Shame on that world. It looks like there is so much creativity in perverting sex these days. These days there are the so-called strip houses. I wonder what on earth human beings are up to. I am told many men go and pay entrance fees into a strip house to watch naked deceptive women dancing and performing pornographic acts. How normal are these men? You pay your way into a place that will torture your feelings and you still consider yourself normal? Come on people. Yes, people can sin and get carried away but this kind is dead. Where is your pride, first as a woman and secondly as a man? How can one allow themselves to be used like this? What is your conscience like? You see the love of money and so-called pleasure is setting many souls on hell fire. These strip houses are places of torture, dehumanisation and chambers of sin in our midst. How can we surely tolerate such? They are worse than a prison cell.

Beloved, I might be a small voice but, such deliberate sin in our society defiles our nations and, therefore, cannot be allowed. Any community of people that is self-respecting and still has a duty to raise children in a humble manner cannot allow such. Striping is the other side of pornography. It puts souls of men in bondage. Very soon, many marriages and families will be affected as deceived husbands waste themselves in the so-called strip houses. Pornography in any fashion takes your interest away from the actual sex to a fiction. You cannot arouse yourself for the real thing but get seriously aroused for the fake. This is pornography’s power of deception.

My prayer is for this nation to remain normal and sensible. My prayer is for believers to reclaim these beautiful gifts of God. We cannot be taught sex by the world. We cannot be taught marriage and family by the world. We cannot be taught money and how to make it by the world. We are supposed to be doing it ourselves. God help Africa.

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Kilton Moyo is creator of Fruitful Marriages, a renewal and enrichment programme and is pastor, counsellor and author of The Sex Trap. Call or WhatsApp on +263 775 337 207, +263 772 610 103 or