One thing that has kept this column alive for three years now are touching stories that I get from people who follow this column. Stories spice human life. All of us have stories. These are stories of pain, pleasure, experiences and great memories.


There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment — Norman Vincent Peale

One great story that touched me is when one writer said that they wanted to committee suicide, but when they read my article they changed their thought. They thought their problems were unbearable, and taking their lives was an escape.

In life one of us experiences some depression because of the problems. From the comments to the column, there are people with marital, monetary and emotional problems. These are common problems, yet if not properly managed they can escalate into major issues.

Create your happiness

Norman Vincent Peale (77) in the book The Power of Positive Thinking gives this narrative:

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“A television celebrity had a guest on his programme an aged man. And he was a very rare old man indeed. He remarks were entirely unpremeditated and of course absolutely unrehearsed. They simply bubbled up out of a personality that was radiant and happy. And whenever he said anything, it was apt, that the audience roared with laughter. They loved him. The celebrity was impressed, and enjoyed it with the others.

Finally he asked the old man why he was so happy. “You must have a wonderful secret of happiness,” he suggested.

“No,” replied the old man, “I haven’t any great secret; it’s just as plain as the nose on your face. When I get up in the morning,” he explained, “I have two choices- either to be happy or to be unhappy, and what do you think? I just choose to be happy, and that’s all there is to it.”

One needle movement at a time

People are very insecure of what will come of tomorrow. And they have fear which paralyses them and get frozen in a state of mediocrity. Others are afraid to risk the little comforts they have. They think they have the best life and think that if they make the next move they might lose it all. Some play it small and think that their life was just meant to be like that. Now, the best is to start making those small daily steps to a greater life. Choose the life you want. Abundance is all by choosing, but most people won’t agree to that.

The Range Rover Test

I took some time last week to watch a Range Rover being tested. As glittering as it looked, it was driven through mud and it became dirty. That might be your story: going through mud. It was shoved into water and it was merged up to window level. The engine roved under water and one would think that it was going to switch off. Worse still, with bated breath, I thought that if it got stuck, the driver would die in water. The Range Rover was driven up a rocky, rutted and rough mountain. It hit rocks and it had dents. It was rammed into hard walls.

In all that I asked myself, “Why did it have to go through all that?” Its engine power was being put into test. Its durability and capacity had to be proved. It might be painful as you go through life. You may have had hard knocks, dents, rough rides, excruciating moments, gone through fire and trying times; one thing I can tell you is that you are created to last. You are stronger than you might know. When you pass all this hard tests of life, you come out stronger and a victor.

Facts do lie

The fact is you might have been born poor, but that does not negate the truth that you can be rich. The facts show us that you where abused, rejected and dejected, but the truth is that you can walk away from that, and walk into your true abundance. Disrupt your thinking. I have coached so many people and they are bogged down by facts. I don’t deny facts, but you own your life and you own your success. Anthony Robbins (227) in his book Awaken the Giant Within says, “Destroy the blocks, break down the wall, let go the rope, dance your way to success”

Fire some friends

Friends are at times too comfortable to help you to your destiny. They comfort you. As that might seem harmless, it might be harmful to your destiny because they help you bask on your laurels. At times friends are very judgmental and you feel you should just conform to their mould. At times it is your friends that are sabotaging you. They are afraid that when you break out, you will get you breakthrough, so they want you to stay in their cocoons. The best you can do is fire them. That might sound painful, but there are people you don’t need in your life.

Faith power

Faith is that internal energy which says I’m going to win no matter what. It’s the unseen power that keeps you moving despite odds. It informs you, “It’s possible!” Faith is the greatest law that breaks all laws of mediocrity.

Napoleon Hill says “Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life power and action to the impulse of thought”. Les Brown say “faith” stands for finding answers in the Heart. Clarence Smithson said that “Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that is what masses think impossible”

My success in non-negotiable

In life at times you don’t need to ask for what you want, you need to get what you want. A life of success in never easy, as a result it needs go-getters. People won’t give you what you want; in fact some are taking what you want.

Fight your way to greatness. This life is at time cruel that its wants you to crash. I’m never a cool guy when it comes to my success. I never negotiate. Why? Poverty is so cruel it won’t forgive you and it does not care how you feel.

Parting Point: Robert Schuler said: “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” It’s time to get your life back.