THE computer revolution has indeed changed the way we live and work.

Guest Columnist Emmanuel Zvada

The need to be flexible, to be able to make quick and effective human resource reforms in organisations is gaining momentum especially in this era of technological transformation.

Workplaces are becoming virtual and the increasing speed of digital adoption and the continued emergence of new HR technology trends is on the rise as a result making it a critical concern for HR departments to keep abreast with such changes.

HR technological trends are on-track to significantly impact the way organisations hire, retain, train and possibly engage staff members, in other words it is disrupting the old way of performing HR functions.

Traditionally, HR was always regarded as a paper-intensive, non-innovative area, where salary decisions are made, people get hired or fired and where coaching and training sessions are organised or trainings are done and so on.

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There is a wide plethora of technology trends that have begun to give shape the world of human resources and behind the scenes it is affecting the systems, processes as well as functions of human resources. Progressions in technology have done a lot to lessen administrative tasks so that HR representatives are able to focus on bigger hands-on issues. A number of HR processes have been made simple by technology as a result simplifying some responsibilities like recruitment, record keeping and payroll, technology has radically enhanced efficiency and precision of HR processes and functions.

Emerging technologies such as mobile recruitment apps and LinkedIn Recruiting Services have greatly contributed to the recruitment process.

It is now thrilling for most companies to post openings online and require job seekers to apply through an online applicant tracking system and do the interviews online. That saves a lot of time that HR would have spent dealing with paper resumes or personal calls.

Various social networks like LinkedIn and other job portals enables recruiters to reach a wide audience more effectively and efficiently. The integration of technology into human resources allows do video conferencing that will then permit face-to-face communication when interviewing prospective applicants from where they are. Now, recruiting has been made a lot easier and through e-recruiting it is easier to find skilled people who are a great fit for your company. Social media plays an active role in today’s human resource, especially when it comes to staffing.

Employers are using social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn to recruit staff. HRr departments are using social media not only for recruitment but also for employee engagement.

Cloud-based applications are inevitable in today’s business environment. Collection and data storage have been so difficult until the evolution of cloud came into place. When we talk of compliance someone will think of boxes of paperwork or cabinet full of files, policy documents and procedures.

With the rise in cloud computing technology can now allow us to securely store our data in the cloud and retrieve them whenever we need them. As electronic files, personnel data can be stored in the cloud and can be accessed with a few clicks. What it means then is that even the employee details and so on. Morden HR no longer requires filing cabinets and expansive storage rooms to keep everything, and forms no longer need to be stockpiled or completed in duplicate since there is now cloud technology.

Progressions in information technology have made it simple to train new employees more efficiently and effectively. Digital training programs such as via webinars is eliminating the need for professionals to take time away from their work to train the employees. With an increasing number of enterprises and organisations adopting eLearning, or extending their existing online training programmes, eLearning has now become an essential tool for training and development. Companies are quickly embracing social media tools, as well as capitalising in social collaboration tools so as to engage employees and foster a learning culture. Although social has become mainstream, companies still lack the knowledge and insight around how to use these tools for learning and development.

Performance management has also seen a great deal of improvement in this digital age and it’s still continuing to improve. Employee performance can now be easily tracked using IT software and systems. These programs can be utilised to help HR maximise their efforts when it comes to performance management and investigating a particular area where an employee or organisation needs improvement. With the changes taking place HR must keep up and build on technological advances to manage both employee expectations and business requirements.

Automation and advancement in technology will never completely replace the human aspect of human resources, but technology is meant to complement human resources managers and staff and give them greater insight and capabilities in their job. What human resources professionals can begin doing now is to prepare for these predicted changes. Human resources experts should keep learning as the HR technological space continues to grow and evolve.

While technology plays a crucial role in transforming human resources management software and operations from personnel management to business execution, technology itself does not create this change.

HR managers must leverage technology to drive a real value to the business. Technology has completely redefined the role of human resources all over the world. Recent advances in technology have transformed nearly every aspect of human resources, right from sourcing to performance management and other human resources functions and processes..