By Jonah Nyoni 

YOUR best business card can be your digital footprint. COVID-19 changed how companies do business. It disrupted old models, and made way for new ones. Technology is an inevitable tool that the corporate model has to include. When change hits, there are some people that are in denial, but in most cases such people lose so much.

It’s no secret every organisation should have a technology or online strategy. In 2020, there were 6,95 billion mobile users worldwide according to Statista. It estimates that the number will hit over seven billion users by end of year. A survey by the McKensy (2020) showed that in this COVID-19 crisis, most people recognise that technology is of strategic importance. Worldwide, consumers have moved towards online channels. Technology helps companies to embrace speed, agility, efficiency and effectiveness.

There is proof that more people are using the internet. Even though some people might not be having access to internet, the future is replete with signs of definite technology change.

These days, consumers look forward to connecting directly with companies and that must not take time.  As a result, creating positive internet presence is crucial.

Search engine optimisation

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How visible are you when we throw your name into the Google search engine? Google is the current leading search engine. When people are searching, as a website owner you would like people to find you at the top of the list of all search results. To make yourself come to the top of the list, you have to do search engine optimisation. This improves visibility and drives customers to your website.

Brand visibility

As people are on your website, at first glance they should be able to tell the line of the products that you are possibly offering.

If they can’t, you should ask yourself as a leader: What brand am I representing? This aligns your brand to a specific market. This should be constant across all online means of endeavours.

Blog availability

This is ideal for small-scale companies or individuals. Why? It’s free and easy to use. In a sense, this is a “free website”, although with some limitations. The current best blogs include WordPress, and Wix.  Your blog can be connected with all your social networks, thereby increasing traffic either way.

Vlog visibility

A Vlog is a video blog or video log. Your products must appeal to the customer on video before they make a decision to buy. The current best vlogging platforms include, Youtube, Facebook Live and Instagram Live.

Social media

Social media can be used to build a brand, increase visibility, thereby accelerating brand equity. I have connected with people that I would not have had an opportunity to meet in my entire lifetime. Social media presence has unprecedented results. When you understand your niche market, you know the right people to target. Leverage on social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and many others.


COVID-19 pandemic has led many companies to appreciate the importance of VoIPs. VoIP stand for Voice Over Internet Protocols. These are technologies that necessitate communication using the internet, by applying multimedia communication methods. The most used VoIP platforms include ZOOM, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet. These platforms become ideal also as learning management systems.

Parting shot: The work environment has changed and the best way is to align and invest in that change. Companies in these times of COVID-19 can make a more meaningful impact by leveraging on the benefits that the internet is offering.