If you’re like most students, getting homework done on time can be a challenge. It feels like no matter how hard you try to get it done, there’s always more work piling up and deadlines looming. The good news is you don’t have to feel this way anymore. Here are ways for students to get their homework done faster – and stress-free! 

Know the Due Dates

Whenever you have some homework, you need to know when it’s due. Whether you’re doing qualitative vs quantitative research, working on a math problem, or just completing some reading for class, knowing the deadline will help tremendously with your time management skills and getting things done promptly. 

Make Lists of What Needs to be Done

One way to keep track of all your homework assignments is to prepare a list of what you need to do. You can go online and find templates for lists such as a reading log, general list, or even just an assignment list. All you need is a pen and paper. This ensures that you don’t leave out any task. 

Plan Your Time Wisely

Keep Reading

It can be hard to get everything done in the amount of time allotted, so it’s important to plan your time wisely before you start working on anything else. You need to know how much time you will dedicate to your homework and decide how much time you will spend on each task. 

Prioritize Tasks in Order of Importance

One way to take on your workload more efficiently is to prioritize tasks by importance rather than by the order in which they arrive. If you have a project that is due soon, it may be more important to work on that first than something else that can wait a bit longer.

Gather All the Items You Need

Nothing wastes time more than having to leave your work to find the items you need. Gather everything before starting. This way, you can work more efficiently and won’t need to stop halfway through your task. For instance, if you need to go through cause and effect essay examples, have your notes and any useful textbook before you start writing one.

Start as Soon as Possible

Waiting to do your homework until the last minute means you will have to rush through and even make errors in the process. This can trigger anxious thoughts about the consequences of not finishing, which will only make you more stressed. Instead, start your task as soon as possible so that there is no pressure and you can work at a good pace. This will also help you avoid a pile-up as more assignments come.

Take Breaks

It can be tempting to work all day on your homework and do everything at once, but this will only tire you out and make it harder to focus. Take short breaks every hour or two so that you don’t burn out too quickly. Experts recommend brain breaks as a way to relax and improve your ability to focus and overall productivity.

Start With the Complex Tasks

Starting with the more challenging tasks will give you a sense of accomplishment as they are completed. Tasks that need lots of research and thought should be done first so you can get them out the way before tackling more straightforward assignments.

Handle One Assignment at a Time

It can be tempting to work on a few different tasks simultaneously, but this will only slow you down and make it harder to focus. Instead of spreading yourself too thin, devote your full attention to one assignment before moving onto another. 

Find a Study Buddy

Finding a study partner who shares your interests and learning style can be very beneficial. While you’re both studying, it’s easier to stay focused when there are two of you instead of one. You can both benefit from each other’s ideas and perspectives. For instance, if they’re good with essays, they can explain the et al meaning. On the other hand, if you’re good at math, you can help them improve their algebra.

Mute Your Phone

Many students have a hard time concentrating due to the constant buzzing of their phones. Social media might seem harmless enough, but they are often a significant distraction. Try to limit checking your phone and do it only when you need reminders or notifications and keep it on silent during study time.

Use Timers to Stay on Schedule

To help you stay focused on your goal, set the alarm and work until the timer goes off. When it does go off, take five minutes to do something else that is not related to schoolwork, such as playing games online or watching TV to give yourself a break.

Prepare a Conducive Environment

The perfect study spot is different for everyone, but it must be somewhere quiet with minimal distractions to help you stay focused. Create a study space that’s comfortable for you by putting away clutter and ensuring you have a sturdy chair and adequate lighting.


It’s no secret that doing your homework more quickly can make for a much better evening or weekend. Who wants to spend hours on end in the library when you could be hanging out with friends, watching Netflix, or working toward an early bedtime? With just these few steps, you can complete assignments faster than ever before and look forward to your after-school activities.