It was indeed the wise men from my village who always counselled that the day the monkey is destined to die, all the trees get slippery, I never thought that this might again come to pass in my lifetime, now the “monkey” being those that have taken it upon themselves to selfishly ruin our nation and at any slightest occasion impose their will on us.

Truly the trees have become slippery for Zanu PF and with this Sadc Troika verdict the chances of the survival of that party in the next election are diminishing with each coming moment.

Anyone who thought that the Zanu PF call for election was driven by the national interest was obviously a victim of this repeated lie that the GPA had expired without realising its mandate of creating a just, free and fair political environment for Zimbabwe.

This lie had obviously emanated from and was propagated by those that have known that there are no chances of Zanu PF survival in any election and hoped both in life and in dream that Zimbabwe holds a hurried election where obviously Zanu PF ill-uses both its militia and the military to rape the nation to victory. So when Sadc Troika made this revolutionary resolution instructing that Zimbabwe must hold the elections after completing all the roadmap process, it was indeed a victory for all peace and democracy-loving Zimbabweans that has to be celebrated by all. It is indeed a bold decision today as it presents two major lessons to President Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF.

The first lesson is that the Africa and the world in general and Sadc specifically have become sick of Zanu PF’s political dishonesty and undemocratic ways.

It should now be clear to them as it is to us all that the progressive Sadc can no longer be fooled by Mugabe’s imagined oratory as a champion of the African cause.

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The message is clear that “Mugabe you can’t come to boast that you are a doyen of the African liberation yet you oppress your people”.

The song has changed in Africa and now Zanu PF has to change the dance or else they would be found out of rhythm.

It is for that reason that our beloved brothers from the Sadc could not be fooled even by Zanu PF senior trusted emissaries.

The second lesson is that the MDC may have been foolish in the past, but with experience it has become very wise, it now can lobby regionally and argue their case within the region and record favourable results for the people of Zimbabwe.

This diplomatic achievement being attributed to the elevation of Welshman Ncube to the presidency of the MDC, who according to the sources close to the Troika meeting exposed the Zanu PF deception on the GPA and also exposed the unreadiness of our country to hold the elections under the oppressive conditions leading Troika to arrive at its revolutionary resolution which put egg in the face of Zanu PF.

Furthermore Sadc and Africa in general are now a contested constituency between all political players in the country contrary to the long-held view by Zanu PF that they had a monopoly there. However what makes Zanu PF much more bitter on this resolution despite putting on a brave face is the challenge that if the elections are to be held by 2013 and with their presidential candidate the first secretary of that party turning 89 by then, will he be able to stand the physically and mentally taxing schedule to meet the challenge of the youthful, charismatic and energetic Welshman Ncube who has been criss-crossing the country’s 10 provinces drumming up support for his fast-growing party?

The answer to this submission is that Mugabe won’t be able to rise to the occasion if his state of health is what the media has reported. Intertwined with the above challenge the issue of succession, the question is: If Mugabe doesn’t stand, then who will stand?

The factionalism within that party is so fierce that it’s threatening to throw into minute pieces the already disintegrating former ruling party which is only held together by Mugabe.

The constitution will be the supreme law of the land before the next election whether Zanu PF likes it or not as none has forgotten that the new constitution is the integral part of the roadmap.

The major task of the GPA is to write the new democratic constitution guided by the views of the people. It now clear that Zanu PF is now trying to use the revolutionary parties conference due to be held on Friday as a face saver and reaffirm that it is still popular with the regional parties.

Honestly, who in this day and age could still be fooled by this nonsense? All these parties will come to do is to stand on the podium and denounce the West to please Mugabe yet just before dawn they will be flying to the West to beg for money if not mercy. A good example is that of Michael Sata who is currently in the UK as guest of the Queen of England yet he labels the MDC a party of imperialists while by night he is happy to dine and wine with the British monarchy.

Finally, the Sadc Troika meeting is nothing but a confirmation that the people never lose. The journey may have taken more than a decade towards a just and fair Zimbabwe which is the dream of our people, but now it’s now clear more than any other time that a just and a fair Zimbabwe is certain.

l The author is the chief information officer in the MDC led by Welshman Ncube