Looking at the cross-section of the questions that I receive through this column, two requests stand out.

Sermon of the week with Pastor Erasmus Makarimayi

Many people say they are failing to recognise their purpose. Others feel that they are pursuing dreams that are not producing results.

Today I will address those that feel that they are harvesting wind out of their hard labour. Let us do that by checking the soundness of the founding charter of your life.

Sometimes we struggle in life because our belief system is the problem, our philosophy is inhibiting us or the methodology is wrong. Revisit your charter, the problem is probably your constitution.

People hold opinions based on how they were introduced to life. Are you certain the birth canal that carried you to the stage of life is correct? Your introduction to the podium of life affects the rest of your performance.

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Probably your issue is not the rule of law, but a constitutional crisis.

You may need to rewrite your personal constitution. People come to the arena of life through lenses of diverse philosophies and are introduced to religion and Christianity through the shade of one of the various doctrines available. If you are a Christian are you sure your doctrine is the true Gospel of Christ?

Your charter defines your values and belief system. You may lead a skewed life the rest of your life unless and until you get the correct revelation from Christ and do the necessary changes and adjustments.

Revisit the introduction that ushered you to the belief system you hold and check if it is not holding you back from accessing and enjoying the full package on offer from life. If there is no light at the end of the tunnel, then come out. Faith does not manifest itself in stupidity and foolishness, but in wisdom.

You may have to revamp and completely overhaul your belief system. Jesus called Nicodemus to a rebirth. John 3:3 reads: “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Isn’t your charter blocking you from seeing the Kingdom of God? If your conscience tells you that you are going nowhere, don’t plunge further into the bottomless pit; be humble, honest and sincere enough and cry for help. Some of you that attend cults are convinced your belief is the right one.

The gospel you passionately hold on to; is it the full Gospel of Christ? The gospel should be good news, is it really bringing good to you or it is enslaving you?

Many nations across the motherland had to redo their constitutions in order to meet their aspirations. As a Christian you have to model your charter on biblical principles. As a starting point Joshua 1:8 should be your foundational Scripture.

It reads: “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” There are many teachings that if you follow them, you will succeed. Proverbs 22:4 teaches, “By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.”

The verse is self explanatory. If you are humble and fear God, you are guaranteed of riches, honour and life.

Whether you are a Christian, atheist or politician you need to sit down and question your belief system. I have met people who are so stiff-necked and big-headed that they would rather die than humbling themselves and choose life.

Rewrite your charter the way you want your life to progress. Some of you have good charters that you are not adhering to. Let rule of law start with you. Read the Bible and follow sound doctrine. Follow the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit to structure a viable charter. Love should be the pillar of your charter.

Life has to be viewed and understood through the eyes of the giver who is God. Your creator has a model He gave us to follow. The Bible is very clear that any life outside Jesus is hollow and gets us nowhere. John 14:6 clarifies, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

All you need to do is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Repent of all sin and follow the paths of righteousness.

Don’t lead a vain life; you are going somewhere.

Feedback: pastor@newgatechapel.org Follow Pastor Makarimayi on www.twitter.com/PEMAKARIMAYI and Facebook