We are about to close a somewhat subdued year where the usual end of year spending will be a bit constrained.

Erasmus Makarimayi

Although not everyone will be careful in their spending, economic indicators suggest the market is not that liquid and the majority will not be merrymaking to the degree they would have loved.

As usual tuition and school fees will be required just after the festivities of the Christmas holiday. Some have just bought agricultural inputs and are hesitant to spend much. I don’t want to wish you a dull holiday but urge you to rejoice.

I wish urge us to welcome and invite to our tables those that need the delicacies we have prepared. This is the season to exhibit our hospitality beyond political, religious and racial grounds. Let the love of Christ manifest in our homes and communities.

This is a season where in the rural areas, people would gather at growth points and rural shopping centers to drink and socialise. The Christmas day would start with putting on new clothes and have a customary church attendance where the priest would make sure to conduct a short service. Back home chicken and rice will be waiting coupled with simmering traditional brew known as 7 days.

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The breakfast would have been unlimited bread lined with extra margarine and trademark red jam served in a winnowing basket accompanied with strong thick tea. Every family expected neighbours and relatives from the city to visit and eat and drink to the full. The culture of sharing has always been at the core of our values.

Back in the city, parties, outings and visits were a norm. Extra food and drink was always a standard. Cinema houses recorded brisk business.

Neighbours who did not usually greet each other exchanged pleasantries. Bottle stores and municipal beer halls would be packed to capacity as the day progressed. The excessive volumes on stereos would scare the birds away. Nowadays it is the firecrackers some of them which are a real scare.

By nature human beings love partying. As you enjoy yourself, do it in moderation not throwing your values away. I encourage you to reach out your hand above the perimeter walls which keep us from relating with our neighbors. Forgive your enemies and receive with warmth your neighbors whom you wrongly accuse of bewitching you.

There are answers and breakthroughs that only come from sharing. In whatever way you are going to celebrate, it is important to remember that we should not enjoy by sinning. Your Creator expects you to rejoice in a godly manner. Stay away from adultery, prostitution, fornication and illicit drugs.

Take the opportunity to socialise and make friends. Open your doors to hospitality. As you share with others, divine doors will be opened in your life. Buy someone something you want someone buy you. Sent groceries to perceived enemies. In concluding his writings, the writer of Hebrews says in Hebrews 13:1-2, “[1] Let brotherly love continue.

[2] Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Be a blessing to others this season. Reach out to those that need your hand of support. Let us fill the atmosphere with peace, love and happiness. Share the gift of life in a moral and upright way. Let brotherly love continue as you dine with angels. You are going somewhere.