The Constitutional Court has delivered a landmark ruling on the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Services (Zbc) licencing saga ordering every citizen to pay the broadcaster’s licence fees irrespective of the service provider one may select to use.

By Charles Laiton

ZRP and ZBC licence officers check a motor vehicle for a ZBC car radio licence along Cripps Road in Harare recently

The court ruled that citizens were not being asked to pay for the services provided for by Zbc but the legislature came up with the law compelling all citizens possessing gadgets capable of receiving radio and television signals, to pay tax for possessing such gadgets.

The judgement was delivered in a matter involving Bernard Wekare and Musangano Lodge who were both challenging the compulsory payment of Zbc licences arguing it was in violation of the country’s Constitution since citizens were being forced to pay for services they did not want to watch or listen to.

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