Nyathi also revealed that some members had reported a case against Mwonzora to the police.
All passengers on the 42 buses were sent back to Zimbabwe including the children.
On the political and governance front, Mnangagwa said the prevailing peaceful and tranquil environment in communities was an inspiring answer to prayers.
South African Border Management Authority commissioner Michael Masiapato hailed the efforts being made by their Zimbabwean counterparts.
Sixty-eight other winners walked away with a US$300 cash prize each.
AMH are publishers of NewsDay, The Standard and Zimbabwe Independent.
The officers reported the case to ZRP Karoi Rural and a district operation to arrest the illegal settlers was initiated leading to their arrest.
NewsDay established that banks were only issuing coins and ZIG10 notes.
The project will also include the construction of modern toilets to replace pit latrines currently being used by learners and staff at the school.