It was perfect, I remember your lips were a bit dry when they first touched mine because I got you by surprise. I remember the warmth that they put on mine within the first touch. It kept me going for all the times the chips were down . I remember you standing over me covered in mud after our sprint from that park just across the movable food truck where I first saw you. While I lay in the mud and looked deeply into your eyes, so deep I think I might have seen into your soul. That’s when it happened for me, I knew then like I know now that I would love you forever. Unrehearsed and so uncoordinated was our first kiss. I felt your teeth brush against mine, coupled with your gentle moans and playful Laughs.Your soft hands ran through my hair,I never asked you why but that was it for me…

Ours is still a young love in a world full of some love stories as old as the mountains. I thank whatever gods maybe,for I have had the pleasure of meeting,knowing and loving you. I bet you didn’t know this but, I still shiver and get the chills when you leave the room and, when you blush-which you do at even the simplest of compliments. So I wrote this,not because ours is the best of love stories but because,like that first jumbled up kiss with your teeth brushing against mine- I still am madly and utterly in love with you.