AFTER years operating as mobile caterers, Chicken Basket has taken a step forward with the pre-introduction of a restaurant today ahead of its official opening tomorrow at number 110 Norfolk Road in Mount Pleasant, Harare.


Chicken Basket now has a home in Mt Pleasant

As a mobile caterer, the award-winning Chicken Basket has been providing services at different gatherings such as weddings, exhibitions (like the Harare Agricultural Show) and corporate functions.

In an interview with NewsDay, one of the restaurant directors, Trinity Ncube, said although they had answered the call from their clients to open a permanent eating joint, they would, however, continue with their mobile catering services as well.

“As a way of showing commitment to serve our clients, we have opened this restaurant responding to their calls as a number of people after eating our meals at different gatherings would ask where to find us and we are glad to tell them that we are now located at number 110 Norfolk road in Mount Pleasant,” Ncube said.

“With the opening of this restaurant, we are pleased to be welcoming new clients as this is not only for Mount Pleasant people. We are still going to continue with our mobile catering services to different events that have seen us bagging the International Food and Music Best brand Award last year.”

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She said the new home of delightful meals would open on a daily basis including public holidays from 9am to 9pm and they were ready to host guests for private functions at their garden in a family set-up environment with free Wi-Fi provided.

“We were very lucky to have found such a beautiful place with a garden and gazebo (with adjustable umbrellas) which can be used to host guests for private functions in a seat in set-up. We will be having specials almost every day with a traditional meal of the day,” she said.

Ncube said they were not scared of competition because of the culinary skills of their staff and the wide range of sumptuous meals on offer.

“People really love our food, mostly the chicken that is cooked in a different way and from our services to the way we prepare our meals, it is totally different from other restaurants and that is among the things that will give us an edge over them,” she said.

“The way we cook our chicken, which has made us so popular at events, totally distinguishes us from other restaurants.”

Ncube, a marketer by profession, said together with her vibrant and energetic team, hands-on and hardworking, her desire was to grow the brand by spreading their wings across the country.