Local authorities across Africa have launched an appeal to raise funds to assist victims of Cyclone Idai, which left more than 16 000 families in need of food aid and shelter, among other things.

“We call upon the global local government fraternity to respond with aid in whatever way they are able to in response to the crisis created by Cyclone Idai,” the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa said in a statement after a two-day summit held in Harare.

The organisation is made up of urban local authorities from across the continent.

The summit reflected on challenges facing local governments in the region and how they are impacting on the livelihoods of the communities.

After the meeting, the summit came up with a draft strategy that promotes good governance, fights corruption as well as promote localisation of global commitments on development, mobilising finance for infrastructure development.

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The meeting noted, with appreciation, that relations between central government and the local authorities had improved as councillors no longer serve at the pleasure of a minister.

The summit also discussed the issue of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.

“Given the changing political climate in Zimbabwe we call upon those responsible to reconsider the stance on sanctions so as to ameliorate suffering in the various communities,” read part of the summit resolutions.