JEHOVAH’S Witnesses Worldwide will next month distribute the issue of the Watch Tower magazine titled What Is God’s Kingdom? a topic that has captivated the attention of many different faiths for centuries.


The magazine will be distributed to the general public, business owners, local and national government officials, as well as court officials. The distribution will mostly be electronic in accordance with local COVID-19 protocols.

“Many people pray for God’s Kingdom to come. But they often wonder what that Kingdom is, when it will come, and what it will do. This magazine explains how the answers to these questions can readily be found in the Bible. We are confident that the Bible’s promises about God’s Kingdom will bring readers comfort and hope for a world free of pain and suffering,” a spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zimbabwe said yesterday.

“Many people pray for God’s Kingdom to come. But they often wonder what that Kingdom is, when it will come, and what it will do.

“This magazine explains how the answers to these questions can readily be found in the Bible. We are confident that the Bible’s promises about God’s Kingdom will bring readers comfort and hope for a world free of pain and suffering.”

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