IF it’s been a while since you last visited the Zimbabwe Independent website, which had admittedly become rather out-dated, then you should stop by and check out the new version (http://www.theindependent.co.zw).

Alpha Media Holdings (AMH), publishers of the Independent, the country’s leading business weekly, Standard and NewsDay, are pleased to announce the launch of this newly-updated and fresh site!

“This project, which has been underway over the last six months, is part of AMH’s broader digital and social media strategy which is intended to not only enhance the presentation of our content to a broader audience, but to serve as an improved communications channel for readers to interact with our publications,” AMH editor-in-chief Vincent Kahiya said.

The new site carries a vibrant and user-friendly home page which carries various enhanced features including an animated news-slide carrying articles picked by the editor for the day, more advertising space and a Social Media Integration option which allows users to tweet, like or Plus1 an article.

The new website is interactive and gives better access to social media tools which have become an integral part of newsgathering.

A new subscription opportunity is also available to allow clients to subscribe to the various newspaper and magazine publications distributed by the Independent’s sister company, Munn Marketing.

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This launch of the new Independent site will in the next few weeks be followed by the unveiling of new sites for the Standard and NewsDay. ­