ACCOMMODATION and tour operators in Victoria Falls are pulling all stops to ensure delegates to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation General Assembly (UNWTO) in August fall in love with the destination, industry officials have said.

Business Reporter

Hotels and lodges in the resort town have reportedly marked down their rates especially for the conference. Hotel operators have teamed up with tour and activities operators to show off Zimbabwe’s best before, during and after the assembly.

Zimbabwe Council for Tourism president and head of the tourism private sector Glenn Stutchbury said operators would consider further rate reductions if indications were that the conference turnout would be strong.

“We are going all out to ensure that the UNWTO visitors are blown away by their experience in Zimbabwe and we are working round the clock with all stakeholders to deliver total excellence,’ said Stutchbury.

Several accommodation establishments in the resort town have embarked on extensive improvements.

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The new Victoria Falls Safari Club, A’Zambezi Hotel refurbishment and Victoria Falls Safari Lodge refurbishment have been completed.

Victoria Falls Hotel, Cresta Sprayview Hotel, Kingdom Hotel and Elephant Hills Hotel are all on refurbishment programmes that are due for completion before the conference.

This, backed by a new state-of-the-art medical facility, and work by Zesa to upgrade Victoria Falls’ electricity supply station at Elephant Hills, would result in successful hosting of the event.

More than 1000 delegates are expected to attend the UNWTO’s 13th General Assembly, it’s first in Sub-Saharan Africa.