THE Mtshabezi-Umzingwane pipeline link, which was completed in December last year, is supplying a mere 1,9 megalitres of water instead of the 17 megalitres it is meant to. Report by Nduduzo Tshuma

The project is being powered by diesel generators.

Delays in the construction of a dedicated power line to supply electricity to the pump station have dashed any hopes of an immediate relief to Bulawayo’s water woes.

Bulawayo residents have endured a 96-hour per week water shedding regime since last year because of the shortage of water.

The government expected the connection of Mtshabezi Dam to Umzingwane Dam that ran out of water last year to offer a medium-term solution to the water crisis.

But the Water Resources Development and Management ministry yesterday said lack of electricity had complicated plans.

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“Following the successful completion of the Mtshabezi pipeline project in December 2012, the Ministry of Water Resources Development and Management is now siezed with completing the ancillary project of a dedicated power line from Gwanda to Mtshabezi,” Butholezwe Nyathi, personal assistant to Water Resources Development and Management minister Samuel Sipepa Nkomo, said.

“At present diesel-powered generators are being used for pumping and thus the prevailing pumping rate is below the optimum potential of 17 megalitres per day.

“It is our expectation that the 90% completed electrification project will significantly improve pumping capacity.”

The government last week declared the Gwayi and Umzingwane catchment areas in Matabeleland provinces water shortage areas.

Bulawayo’s five supply dams and Mtshabezi Dam are all located in Umzingwane, Matabeleland South.