THE Book Café in Harare came to life on Tuesday evening when the venue, in conjunction with the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA), hosted a Carnival Bira in celebration of the inaugural Zimbabwe International Carnival.

Report by Melissa Mpofu&Picture Compilation by Tinotenda Samukange

Miss Carnival Queen

The popular arts venue saw groups such as Mbira Dzenharira, Mawungira eNharira, Ambuya Stella Chiweshe, Sekuru Gweshe & Boterekwa group, Jerusarema Mbende, Rosemary Madhewa, Matemai Mbira group, Garikai Tirikoti & Madzitateguru Edu, and Mbira Orchestra group performing.

Picture by Hardlife Samuwi

Though most groups performed exceptionally well, it was mbira giants, Mawungira eNharira, led by Nyamasvisva who stole the show. Different totems were frequently mentioned by the group and different areas of the crowd would get into ecstatic happiness when their totems were mentioned. One lady from the crowd started dancing and a chanter from Mawungira eNharira spotted her and mentioned her totem again. He asked people to respect her presence because she was powerful. Traditional ladies went to assist the lady who was in a trance and rituals were performed.


Revellers were constantly asked to kneel so as to perform rituals from time to time while traditional leaders such as chiefs who were present at the event were given traditional beer to drink from a claypot.

Zimbabwe traditional beer

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Mbuya Stella Chiweshe was another hit for the mature crowds as they were taken back in time with her old hit tracks. Officials like ZTA chief executive Karikoga Kaseke and Chief Musarurwa could be seen singing along to every line of Chiweshe’s songs.

Ambuya Stella Chiweshe

While other groups left the crowds crying for more, groups like Garikai Tirikoti & Madzitateguru Edu were not popular as crowds constantly booed them and asked them to leave the stage. Rosemary Madhewa was also not so pleasing due to their poor vocals.

Picture by Hardlife Samuwi

The event which launched the Zimbabwe International Carnival commanded a full house with guests including Chiefs Charumbira and Musarurwa, ZTA officials, Carnival Queen Zimbabwe, Miss Heritage Zimbabwe and an Ethiopian delegation and government officials.

Tonight, the Carnival activity continues with a Carnival Ethiopian Night at the Glamis Arena. The Book Café will continue hosting a series of live music events, dance parties and discussions featuring local and international speakers, musicians and DJs as part of the Zimbabwe International Carnival celebrations which end on May 26.