NATIONAL Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) assistant director arts promotions and development, Audrey Charamba has applauded musicians for supporting each other in their endeavour to take their careers to greater heights.

Report by Entertainment Reporter

Charamba was speaking on the sidelines of the forgotten sungura musician, Liversy Matamba’s album launch on Wednesday at City Sports Bar.

“I have come to observe that our local artistes are supporting each other in their works and as NACZ we are saying that’s the spirit we want to see prevailing among artistes than having beefs among each other,” said Charamba.

Charamba went on to challenge the public to buy original CDs from registered record labels and shops as a way of supporting the artistes’ works that have been largely affected by piracy, adding that artists need to survive better from their works just like anyone else in any profession.

Matamba of the Mbimbindoga fame launched his ninth album titled Ndakunga Neshoko after having disappeared from the limelight some time ago.

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The musician said he hopes the album would revive his fading career.

“I have all the belief and confidence that this latest album will bring back my glory days and put us back in the groove,” said Matamba.

“Lack of sponsorship has always been my biggest setback but i am now back in the game and ready to take the museve genre by storm,” he added.

Matamba once become a house hold name after producing several chart topping hits such as Mbimbindoga, Hazvina Mhosva and Ndipewo Rudo among others.

The Highfield-based artiste said he would soon be embarking on live shows aimed at taking his music to all parts of the country.