Three people- among them two police officers- escaped death by a hair’s breadth when a Toyota Levin sedan they were travelling was hit by a long-distance bus at the intersection of the Bulawayo and Tynwald Roads, a few kilometres from the Harare City centre.

The bus was travelling from Gokwe to Harare and was carrying 35 passengers who also escaped unhurt.

Three people including the driver of this car escaped death by a whisker this morning when the vehicle was hit by a bus just by intersection of Bulawayo and Tynwald roads .

Witnesses said the bus driver  was trying to avoid collision with  a haulage that was turning into Bulawayo Road when he lost control of the bus and ploughed through the road verges before hitting the sedan from its passenger’s side

Miraculously the  police officer (blue track suit) who was on the hard hit side,escaped unscathed
The two police officers look on in shock

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Pictures: Aaron Ufumeli Reporting: Tapiwa Zivira