THE woes of four families who were living in squalor at the neglected Club Hideout in Lochinvar, Harare, continue to mount as they have been evicted leading them to spend winter nights in the open.

When NewsDay arrived at the scene, the evicted workers from the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) were sitting outside the joint with their belongings.

Their property.

The former residents allege that a businessman who wants to manage the joint had led to the eviction.

Nyashinda Peya (46) a Manual worker B at NRZ said: “It seems as if they handed over the properly to the pension fund which then looked for someone to come and start a business here,” Peya said.

Nyashinda Peya (46) a manual worker at NRZ.
A woman prepares to make her children food after her husband, an NRZ employee, was evicted by his employer in the early hours of Thursday morning at Club Hideout in Lochinvar.
Chipo Taderera (41) an NRZ track worker sits with her belongings after being evicted by her employer in the early hours of Thursday morning at Club Hideout in Lochinvar.

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