BULAWAYO-BASED acclaimed traditional musician, Njabulo “Khabo MazVee” Mnkandla recently joined the fight against poaching through the release of his single titled Stop Rhino and Elephant Poaching.


The track condemns top politicians who are alleged to be ringleaders of poaching while they are supposed to advocate against it. “I successful released my anti-poaching single. Those who are supposed to protect our wild animals are killing them and no one says anything about it. I saw it necessary to fight for these animals through music,” said Mnkandla.

“Poaching should stop if we need a bright future where our grandchildren will also have a chance to experience life with elephants and rhinos around them.”

Mnkandla said his single will act as teaching guide to poachers. “Through music I will be trying to help poachers understand the importance of preserving our nature. They have to understand that yes we need money but our future is also important,” he said.

Mnkandla broke into the music scene in 1995, where he joined the then Bulawayo-based Mbaqanga group, Isizukulwane, for four years.

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In 1999, he left the band to seek greener pastures in neighbouring South Africa, but he continued to sing and recorded his debut album, The beginning/Shikisha in 2004 which was a flop due to poor marketing.

Last year, he released an album called More fire and a single titled Born Hero which honoured the former Warriors and Highlanders striker Adam Ndlovu who lost his life in a tragic horrific car accident.