POPULAR choral group Vadzidzi Vekutanga has released a single track Dzora Moyo that features Burundi musician Shadrack Nsengiyumva.


The 10-minute long track was done in three languages namely Kirundi (Burundi local language), Swahili and Shona.

The group’s leader, Richard Mapfumo, said the move was necessitated after he met the musician at a recording studio in Cape Town.

“We did a song together with Shadrack after we first met at a studio in South Africa. We clicked as musicians and discussed how we could assist each other as musicians. We agreed on doing a song together in our own languages and it worked,” he said.

“Our dream is that one day, we will travel to that country as we seek to market our music.”

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The song encourages those controlling the levers of power to be generous and desist from selfish practices.

Kirundi, also known as Rundi, is a Bantu language spoken by nine million people in Burundi and adjacent parts of Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as in Uganda.

The track was recorded at ZimTach Records in South Africa, while Tehillar did the backing vocals.

Meanwhile, Vadzidzi Vekutanga have started recording their eighth album to be released early next year.

“We are in the studio recording our eighth album. Some of the songs are being done in South Africa,” Mapfumo said.

The group, which comprises members from the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe, is known for Boterekwa music that is characterised by the blowing of horns, beating drums and shakers as well energetic dances.

Their albums include Kanganwiro (2009), Ngarava Yesvitsa (2010), Makatinzwira Ngoni (2013), Voshambira (2014) and Ngoro Yemoto (2016).